Warrior of Love

WHERE? Sedona, Arizona


WHO? Michele + guest speakers & facilitators

WHAT? Workshops, Intuitive Soul Healing, Yoga, Meditation, Breath work, Connecting to Divine Feminine Energy, Group + 1:1 coaching, Music Therapy, Essential Oils, Massage and more...

This event, including all meals, room and board  is included in the cost of the retreat. All you need to do is get here! 

fall 2023 Retreat 



WHO? Michele + Guest speakers & facilitators

WHAT? Workshops, Intuitive Soul Healing, Yoga, Meditation, Breath work, Connecting to Divine Feminine Energy, Group + 1:1 coaching,  Music Therapy, Essential Oils, Massage and more...

This event, including all meals, room and board is included in the cost of the retreat. All you need to do is get here! 

SPRING retreat

Coming in 2023...

be inspired

have clarity

feel liberated

heal your soul

You feel a calling to connect with your Divine Feminine Energy or Higher Self.
Having the need to strip the ego and false beliefs to align you with what you have come here to do - to listen to the singular call of our soul!

Want the opportunity to choose again, to start over this time from a place of
wisdom and strength: OUR VULNERABILITY!

The power is available if we honor both the feminine and masculine within us. 

This is for you if...

Join your tribe of women
who are here to empower you
during your self-love journey

book with payment plan!


5 payment of

payment plan

book now!


1 payment of

pay in full

the life of your dreams

You deserve to have

"I release all that doesn't serve me. 
It's time to be the truth of who I am."

The Mother
of the Universe

You're ready to OWN your own power.

Tell another trait of your ideal customer to draw them in.

Tell them who they are, and who they want to become.